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A place for me to talk about things. It's possible some of them may interest you.

Concourse in Kubernetes

Concourse is a handy tool for running build jobs or any other arbitrary code you want, otherwise known as a CI server. It has it’s own DSL, domain specific language, that you have to learn but it wasn’t too much of a burden for me to pick up. If you’re looking for some help getting started with concourse I recommend this delightful tutorial from the folks over at Starke & Wayne.

Deploying Concourse

You have a lot of options for deploying your own concourse instance. A few examples below.

  • a Bosh release
  • Pivotal provides a somewhat curated release over at
  • Engineer Better has Concourse-Up
    • This will deploy
      • a Bosh Director, think kubernetes for VMs
      • Credhub, a secret store similar to Vault
        • it will even connect concourse to credhub so it can securely store and retrieve credentials
      • A prometheus instance with Grafana
    • It’s pretty sweet overall and if you’re running in GCP or AWS it’ll work well for you
  • BUCC from Starke and Wayne
    • Supposed to be similar to Concourse-up but more IaaS agnostic
    • I personally haven’t gotten it working so take that for what it’s worth

Concourse in K8s

I think bosh is cool but I’m often impatient. Kubernetes lets me do a lot of what I do with bosh but it does it with containers which I can start and modify a lot faster than VMs. It also does a bunch of other really cool things that I like which we can get into later.

Helm Chart

I’m not going to get into what helm is and the rest of this article will assume you have some familiarity there. If you want me to write an article about that tweet me or something. Someone out there, I’m not sure who, is maintaining the stable/concourse chart. It works really well and they’ve been doing a pretty good job keeping it up to date.

Getting into the code

Kubernetes is effectively tons of YAML so we’re going to dive into that now.

Pre reqs

  • a Kubernetes Cluster
    • I’m going to assume RBAC is enabled as that seems pretty standard
  • Helm
  • kubectl
  • Some kind of editor
  • A terminal
  • A clean working directory

Getting Started with Helm

Open your terminal and get your connection to your kube cluster squared away. You can validate that it’s up and running with this command.

kubectl --version

Now we’re going to set up our tiller account and initialize helm. If you have any questions while you’re doing this please refer to helm’s guide to installing tiller with RBAC enabled.

Tiller Account and Cluster Role Binding

I have a file laying around with my tiller service account and cluster role binding. Save this file as tiller.yaml in my current working directory.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: tiller
  namespace: kube-system
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: tiller
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: cluster-admin
  - kind: ServiceAccount
    name: tiller
    namespace: kube-system

The big thing here is making sure that the tiller account exists and has appropriate permissions to start launching new applications.

After saving the tiller file we’re going to apply it to our kube cluster.

kubectl apply -f tiller.yaml

you should see output that looks super similar to this

serviceaccount/tiller created created
Helm Init

With our service account in place we’re clear to start tiller.

helm init --service-account tiller

You can test the install by running

helm version

You should get feedback about both the helm and tiller versions.

If you want to be done with the article now and just run the vanilla version of concourse that comes with the chart run helm install stable/concourse and follow the instructions in the output to access your instance. The rest of the article is just diving into the values file.

Getting the chart

To get started you can find the chart by running helm search concourse or just going to the stable/concourse folder in the stable helm chart repo.

I like to download a copy locally to get started. Also as a side note I’m going to avoid the most recent version of the chart as I’m not yet ready to dig into the concourse 5.0.0 release. You can view chart versions by running helm search stable/concourse -l

To download the chart locally

helm fetch stable/concourse --version 3.8.0 --untar

I like to download the charts locally and render them myself using helm’s templating functionality but that’s a topic for another day.

Keep in mind you have 2 version numbers in play here, the version of the app the chart is managing and the version of the chart. 3.8.0 refers to the chart version and 4.2.2 is the version of concourse it’s running. We’re actually going to fix that a little when we deploy the app as 4.2.2 still has the bad old version of runc so we’re going to fix that by going to 4.2.3.

I always maintain my own version of a chart’s values file even when I accept the defaults.

cp concourse/values.yaml values.yaml

Important Modifications

Just to get started the helm chart itself bundles a pretty good explanation of values right in the values file. The repo page also does a pretty good job getting you up and running. Make the modifications recommended below to the values.yaml file you have saved in your working directory.


So the Chart ships with some secrets built into it to make it easier to use. Obviously if you plan on actually using concourse you ought to swap those out. Lucky for me the documentation has that subject pretty well covered so I’ll let you follow those steps yourself.


Read this section carefully. They aren’t joking about the workers filling up your local disks, I managed to bring down 3 workers when I tried to save a little money by skipping the PVCs.

Deploying our Concourse Instance

Assuming you’ve gone ahead and followed the steps above we’re going to make one more modification to our values file then deploy. We need to swap out the imageTag value from 4.2.2 to 4.2.3. And again just for clarity we need to use 4.2.3 as 4.2.2 still bundles a bad version of runc that we don’t need to be putting out there.

With that done we can go ahead and set up our concourse instance.

helm install stable/concourse --version 3.8.0 --values values.yaml

Helm’s output will tell you how to access your instance and that will be enough to get up and running.


The Concourse helm chart is pretty functional and the maintainers seem to be doing a good job with it. I’d recommend it for getting started running concourse in k8s. My next post will go over using cert-manager to automatically generate certificates that you can use for apps like concourse.

Thanks for reading!